Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blood Pressure, Jaw Pain, Anxiety, Atrial Fibrillation, Increased Sensitivity

We bought a brand new house in March 2013.  Five months later in November 2013 I was searching why I had been having trouble sleeping, had very severe TMJ, my husband had extremely high blood pressure and we both had heart palpitations. We were shocked to find that we had a smart meter installed on the wall behind our TV room, which is the same wall where our bedroom is.   I had been following the smart meter installations in California and Chicago because a friend was having some health problems after having smart meters in her neighborhood even though she did not have one on her house.  We were unaware that smart meters were being installed in Macomb County, Michigan.  

Here are some of the problems we have had since the smart meter was installed: 

EXTREMELY HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: After spending a lot of time in the room where the smart meter is on the outside wall watching TV I had to rush my husband to the hospital where they were UNABLE to get his blood pressure under control even after three different medications and an intravenous BP med. He is now on blood pressure medication. He never had a blood pressure problem prior.  In fact it was a joke between us that I would take my blood pressure which has been high for years and his was always 120/80. 

ANXIETY:   I feel very anxious about the smallest details of our life. This is totally out of character for me. I am usually smiling, happy and positive.  I have a reputation as a problem solver, caregiver and being “in charge.”  

[Click “Read more” below to read the rest of this story.]

ATRIAL FIB & HEART PALPITATIONS;   We both have had many many instances of feeling irregular heartbeats. 

INSOMNIA:  My entire life I have been able to go to bed and zonk out till morning. My husband would takea longer time to go to sleep but if he got up during the night he could go right back to sleep.   Neither my husband nor I sleep thru the night since living in this house with a smart meter.  We lay awake sometimes for hours on end.  If we get up to go to the bathroom, it is difficult to get back to sleep. HOWEVER, WE SLEEP WITH NO PROBLEMS AT OUR COTTAGE.

TMJ:  I have suffered with extreme clamping and other distressing mouth problems since living here. I had all my amalgams removed prior to moving here and thought my mouth/dental problems were over.  When in fact they have increased to the point where at the present time I am seeing two different doctors, one weekly for help with TMJ, trigeminal neuralgia, and EMF sensitivities . I DON’T CLENCH MY TEETH AT OUR COTTAGE.

ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSITIVITY:  We bought our dream home, carefully picked a sub where the houses are spaced further apart and where there are lots of trees to assist with my EMF sensitivity..   We moved to be closer to my family because of our increasing ages, I am 72 and my husband 82.  My husband looks and acts 20 years younger than he is.  He ice skates 3 (three) times a week.   We do all our own snow removal and  planted 30+ trees and shrubs on our property in two days this past summer in clay soil.   I was working for the past several years but with increasing problems quit in November 2014.  Without our knowledge, we bought a house with a smart meter where the radiation and dirty electricity from the smart meter has increased my sensitivities and distress a hundred-fold.

Washington Township, Macomb County, Michigan
DTE Customer

Learn more at the SmartMeterEducationNetwork
health problems, concerns, effects, radiation, dirty electricity, electromagnetic interference, EMFs, sick, ill, chronic health conditions, concerns , electric, gas, advanced meter, sickened, cancer, risks, effects, affects, hurt, heart palpitations, anxiety, brain fog, scattered, pain, TMJ, muscle, memory problems, insomnia, pvcs, high blood sugar, blood pressure, symptoms


  1. DTE Energy shoving the smart meters down our throats they are not mandated they strong-armed us tell us if we do not comply they will turn our power off what to do where to go ?????

    1. This is only a threat. Please take a look at our page on the Smart Meter Education Network website on "Respond to DTE Letters." Also please contact us at

  2. DTE energy shoving this smart meter down our throats I asked if it was mandated they did not want to answer the question!!! They told me more or less if I don't comply with the smart meter there will be consequences whatever that means ???where are our rights? the state representatives not defending the people? I don't want to get sick I don't want my house to burn down !!!! 810 310-0752 if anybody wants to discuss this give me any information to help me and my family please don't hesitate

  3. DTE Energy shoving the smart meters down our throats they are not mandated they strong-armed us tell us if we do not comply they will turn our power off what to do where to go ?????

  4. I am just now connecting the dots. I have the exact same symptoms you have stated. The smart meter is attached to the outer wall of my bedroom. I am going to purchase a smart meter shield box. We shall see if that helps.

    1. So sorry to hear of this. You can wrap the meter with aluminum window screen and put a 4x4 square behind the box on your inside wall.

      Dirty electricity is a likely culprit in your symptoms. You can read more about it at our Smart Meter Education Network website. Also, email me at I will send you info on a dirty electricity filter that can really help.


We welcome your comments on smart meters and health. If you have a personal story on how smart meters have affected your life, you can post it here, but please also submit it directly to us via our our email: smartmetereducationetwork Comments should be your personal stories. We welcome scientific information, provided you back it up with source citations.