Here is what David Carpenter, MD, has to say about smart meter radiation in testimony to the Michigan Public Service Commission:
probable genetic damage.”
“Universal deployment of such meters
throughout our urban areas amounts to an experiment on the people
living in those areas, an experiment without the consent of the
experimental subject.”
Question: Is there something about this kind of radiofrequency that is very different than the kind of radio frequency the public has been exposed to for decades from AM and FM radio stations?
Dr. Carpenter: Yes. The radiofrequency used in smart meters is pulse-modulated. There is a body of scientific literature suggesting that pulse-modulated RF is more disruptive to the human body, and to other living things, than is a steady or slowly varying RF field.
Keep in mind: your cell phone emits pulsed radiation, as does your Wi-Fi. None of these fields are safe! Smart meters are this stuff on steroids, but we are already seeing brain cancer rates rise from cell and cordless phone use.
Learn more at the SmartMeterEducationNetwork
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interference, EMFs, sick, ill, chronic health conditions, concerns , electric,
gas, advanced meter, sickened, cancer, risks, effects, affects, hurt, heart
palpitations, anxiety, brain fog, scattered, pain, TMJ, muscle, memory
problems, insomnia, pvcs, high blood sugar, blood pressure, symptoms, Michigan,
DTE, Consumers Energy, Michigan Public Service Commission, action, alerts
They can threaten to turn off your electricity but they can't threaten you you just need to order an analog off the internet and put it on your house and put a cage around it. Then take off the digital or smart meter and put in the analog, FILMING EVERYTHING AND I MEAN EVERYTHING bu you don't have to show any faces just dofcument everything. Put their start meter with a copy of the video doing it.Watch your peas and cues. Don't call your phone company and as them, they will tell you all kinds of lies. I'm telling you find a company on the internet and find an analog electric meter. I doubt you will find an electrician to do it but family and friends. Get doctors documentation if you had health problems and be ready for a fight. But this is a fight to save your life and the lives are many others. Other states are taking them out WHY IS MICHIGAN PUTTING THESE IN THEN????
ReplyDeleteI would live to have mine removed, just have to figure out how. Wish HB 4220 would pass and then we would have the choice!